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AI Integrations

AI Integrations

Improve your business efficiency.

We build human-centric AI workflows to save you thousands of dollars in admin or processing fees. By using large language models, your procedural documentation and understanding your brand; we can remove almost 90% of your admin labour when processing business enquiry.

AI is changing the way we work. If your business offers online support through live chat, or through email enquiry; our AI integration can save approximately 90% of your labour load when converting enquiry to customers.

AI versus traditional enquiry

Choose a hybrid AI integration and process more than ever before.

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Reduction in real time management of email and live chat.

Digital communication is evolving fast.

AI can now communicate in real time, with your customers in a positive and engaging manner., matching your brand tone.

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Improvement in response time for both live chat and email (including hybridised solutions).

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Improvement in conversion timeframes. As questions are answered faster, customers are prompted to purchase faster.

Chat to Purchase. The Next wave of ecommerce.

Live chat

AI engages and answers any product questions.

To Purchase

AI prompts a product and allows the user to add to their cart.

AI Chat to purchase

ecommerce chat to purchase is here.

More than 40% of your audience are interested in purchasing through a live chat experience. Our AI chat to purchase integration gives your website the power to a) converse in natural language, answering any questions the customer may have. b) show the product for sale. c) add the product to their online cart and link through for payment details.

This is a massive step towards AI purchasing, where the customer can simply talk in natural language to discover the product they require. Our AI purchasing tools do the rest.